Global Development Educator

Global DE


International CUDE Designation

The Global Credit Union Development Education (Global DE) program is designed to provide credit union employees and volunteers with a greater understanding of the international credit union system and opportunities for continued engagement.

The International Credit Union Development Educator Designation (ICUDE) is available to DE Program Alumni who meet a certain level of international experience and is offered in partnership with the International DE Programs.

Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions is a strategic partner with the seven CUDE programs around the world in advocating, fostering and growing DE programs and the CUDE/ICUDE designations to credit union peers to seek out greater engagement with our credit union world.  

To be eligible to apply for the ICUDE designation, you must complete the four criteria.

  1. Earn a DE designation from your home country’s DE program. (virtual or in-person format)
  2. Complete at least one independent studies project that aligns with the learning objectives of the DE program and has demonstrated an impact.
  3. Earn a second DE designation by completing a DE program outside of your country. (virtual or in-person format)
  4. Attend the World Credit Union Conference or another significant credit union/co-op education and engagement event outside of your home country/region.

Information on International DE Program

The Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions encourages you to contact the following individuals and organizations if you are interested in learning more or attending one of the following international DE programs.

Africa DE (ADE)

Operated by: Africa Confederation of Co-operative Savings & Credit Associations

Program Director: George Ombado

2024 Program Calendar:
Download here

Direct program inquiries to

Asia DE (ACDE)

Operated by: Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions

Program Director: Kamon Kiattisirikumpon

2024 Program Calendar:
Download here

Caribbean DE (CaribDE)

Program Director: Melvin Edwards

2024 Program Calendar:
Download here

CanadaDE (Credit Union Leadership Program)

Operated by: Saint Mary’s University & the International Centre for Co-operative Management

Program Director: Karen Miner

2024 Program Calendar: 
June 2-7, 2024 @ Halifax, NS

European DE (DEEU)

Program Director: Robert Kelly

Email for more info and registration.

2024 Program Calendar: 
September 4-9, 2024 @ Edinburgh, Scotland

Philippines DE

Operated by: VICTO National

Program Director: Dudz Samson

2024 Programs Calendar: 
Download here

United States DE

Operated by: National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF)

Program Director: Tobi Weingart

2024 Program Calendar:
Download here


ICUDE Class of 2024

Joan Atuhurra

Joan Atuhurra
ICUDE 2024
African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Association (Uganda)

Joan Atuhurra
ICUDE 2024
African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Association (Uganda)

Christine Barretto

Christine Barretto
ICUDE 2024
Health Service Staffs Credit Union (Ireland)

Christine Barretto
ICUDE 2024
Health Service Staffs Credit Union (Ireland)

Bernand Bingab

Bernand Bingab
ICUDE 2024
UEW Credit Union/Ghana Cooperative Credit Unions Association (Ghana) 

Bernand Bingab
ICUDE 2024
UEW Credit Union/Ghana Cooperative Credit Unions Association (Ghana) 

Austin Brown

Austin Brown
ICUDE 2024
Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union, Ltd. (Jamaica)

Austin Brown
ICUDE 2024
Community & Workers of Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union, Ltd. (Jamaica)

Melaine Campbell

Melaine Campbell
ICUDE 2024

Co-Operative Credit Union League (Jamaica)

Melaine Campbell
ICUDE 2024

Co-Operative Credit Union League (Jamaica)

Christopher Court

Christopher Court 
ICUDE 2024

Service 1st Federal Credit Union 
United States

Christopher Court 
ICUDE 2024

Service 1st Federal Credit Union 
United States

Naddian Damier

Naddian Damier
ICUDE 2024
National Co-operative Credit Union Limited (Dominica)

Naddian Damier
ICUDE 2024
National Co-operative Credit Union Limited (Dominica)

Catherine Davenport

Catherine Davenport
ICUDE 2024
Capital Credit Union (Scotland)

Catherine Davenport
ICUDE 2024
Capital Credit Union (Scotland)

Billy Doyle

Billy Doyle
ICUDE 2024
Dundalk Credit Union (Ireland)

Billy Doyle
ICUDE 2024
Dundalk Credit Union (Ireland)

Laura Eblen

Laura Eblen
ICUDE 2024
Mazuma Credit Union
United States

Laura Eblen
ICUDE 2024
Mazuma Credit Union
United States

Dr. Manuela von Göler

Dr. Manuela von Göler
ICUDE 2024
AAA Auctor Actor Advisor GmbH (Germany)

Dr. Manuela von Göler
ICUDE 2024
AAA Auctor Actor Advisor GmbH (Germany)

Chad Helminak

Chad Helminak
ICUDE 2024
Credit Unions Executives Society (CUES) 
United States

Chad Helminak
ICUDE 2024
Credit Unions Executives Society (CUES) 
United States

Nicole Hicks Smith

Nicole Hicks Smith
ICUDE 2024
Clico Credit Union (Trinidad & Tobago)

Nicole Hicks Smith
ICUDE 2024
Clico Credit Union (Trinidad & Tobago)

Kimberly Lindo

Kimberly Lindo
ICUDE 2024
Co-Operative Credit Union League (Jamaica)

Kimberly Lindo
ICUDE 2024
Co-Operative Credit Union League (Jamaica)

Rob Lovesey

Rob Lovesey
ICUDE 2024
Serve and Protect Credit Union (United Kingdom)

Rob Lovesey
ICUDE 2024
Serve and Protect Credit Union (United Kingdom)

Jenefer Machovina

Jenefer Machovina
ICUDE 2024
United States

Jenefer Machovina
ICUDE 2024
United States

Triza Magreta

Triza Magreta
ICUDE 2024
MUDI Savings and Credit Cooperative (Malawi) 

Triza Magreta
ICUDE 2024
MUDI Savings and Credit Cooperative (Malawi) 

Kerry Ann McCollin

Kerry Ann McCollin
ICUDE 2024
United Enterprise Credit Union Ltd. (Barbados)

Kerry Ann McCollin
ICUDE 2024
United Enterprise Credit Union Ltd. (Barbados)

Merry Pateuk

Merry Pateuk
ICUDE 2024
United States

Merry Pateuk
ICUDE 2024
United States

Jason Mertz-Prickett

Jason Mertz-Prickett
ICUDE 2024
Upward Credit Union
United States

Jason Mertz-Prickett
ICUDE 2024
Upward Credit Union
United States

Mike Reuter

Mike Reuter
ICUDE 2024
Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions
United States

Mike Reuter
ICUDE 2024
Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions
United States

Carlos Rochester

Carlos Rochester
ICUDE 2024
United Enterprise Credit Union Ltd. (Barbados)

See Profile

Carlos Rochester
ICUDE 2024
United Enterprise Credit Union Ltd. (Barbados)

See Profile

Martha Rozen

Martha Rozen
ICUDE 2024
OneAZ Credit Union 
United States

Martha Rozen
ICUDE 2024
OneAZ Credit Union 
United States

Heather Thrurab Schelz

Heather Thrurab Schelz
ICUDE 2024
U.W.I. Credit Union Co-operative Society Ltd (Trinidad & Tobago)

Heather Thrurab Schelz
ICUDE 2024
U.W.I. Credit Union Co-operative Society Ltd (Trinidad & Tobago)

Wongelawit Worabo

Wongelawit Worabo 
ICUDE 2024
Associated Credit Union
United States

Wongelawit Worabo 
ICUDE 2024
Associated Credit Union
United States


To learn more about the International CUDE program or future DE programs, please contact your home DE program with the links provided above. If you are interested in establishing a new DE program, please contact Mike Reuter, WFCU President, at